(1)Product ID: 90108
ISM PM 2.0 Performance Mountain Saddle
Price: £150.00 RRP: £175.00
Price: £150.00 RRP: £175.00
4 out of 5
Average from 1 customer reviews
I kept the original seat for about a year on my Cube Stereo 140. I began to get numbness in my left foot, and generally felt like the seat was spoiling my enjoyment of the otherwise great bike. I bought the ISM PM 2.0 Performance Mountain Saddle, and although it has reduced the problem by about 50% (I can ride further using this seat than I could with the old seat, before the numbness kicks in). It's a definite improvement, but not a total cure. I now chose to pedal "out of the saddle" for a minute or two to alleviate the numbness, or even get off and walk for a minute. I think I may be able to fine tune the seat position to get a better result. I am happy with the seat, but I think there's no perfect seat, and this one is certainly one of the better ones. I also have the road bike version of this seat. The mountain bike version has a bit more padding at the back edge.
Anonymous, 7 years ago