Just like a normal seatpost, setting the height of your dropper post is essential. The difference with a dropper post is that there is a cable or hose connected at the bottom. You will need to consider this when lowering or raising your seat in the frame. We show you how to make sure your dropper post performs as it should.
How is the dropper post connected?
Your dropper post will have a cable or hose connecting the bottom of the post to a lever on the handlebars. This is what allows you to actuate the dropper post, making it go up and down. If this is restricted, then the dropper post won’t work properly.

Avoid squashing the cable
You want to avoid pushing the seat down without taking into account of the cable. This may squash the cable between the seatpost and the inside of the frame, causing damage to the cable and cable outer. You should also not pull the seatpost up without taking into account of the cable, as this will stretch the cable, affecting its performance.

3Take up the cable slack
If you are putting the seatpost down, further into the frame, take up the cable slack by pulling the cable as you are lowering the seatpost.

4Add slack and pull seatpost
If you are pulling the seatpost up, make sure to push the cable, giving the seatpost enough slack to work properly.

Tighten your set clamp
When tightening your seat clamp, make sure you do not tighten it too much, as this can affect the performance of the dropper post. For help finding the right saddle height for you, check out our saddle height guide.